πŸŒˆβ€ PrideHacks 2021

Devised workflow, UI mockups, and proof-of-concept application for ODLAN's device gifting ecosystem, allowing for the collection, refurbishment, and distribution of devices such as smart phones and tablets.

This project was done for the 2021 QueerTech PrideHacks hackathon.

The non-profit I collaborated with was ODLAN (Ontario Digital Literacy and Access Network).

ODLAN has aspirations of developing a digital device gifting program, including collection, refurbishment, and distribution of devices such as smart phones and tablets. Once this tech is shared with the community, ODLAN wants to ensure that recipients have access to tech support when they need it. The overall vision of this program is a β€œDevice Gifting Ecosystem.”

I worked on a cross-functional team, with a variety of skillsets. First, we set out to understand the problem well. We established the technical direction of the desired app, deciding that a webapp was the best direction to go in. We collaborated to collaborated to create workflows for the various users who may interact with the ecosystem.

After we understood what actions users would need to take, we created a sitemap of pages which would need to be created. For each of the pages, we worked to understand what functions would need to be available and what permissions would be relevant.

Once the sitemap was assembled, we created UI mockups for all the relevant pages. We made the mockups interactive, so the stakeholders from ODLAN could act as users to verify the flow was working correctly.