📍 Shuttle Tracker Ionic, Angular, Typescript, Firebase. Created proof-of-concept for a cheap, reliable, scalable tracking system for the campus shuttle. The shuttle's location and projected arrival times are delivered to commuters. demo 🌱 Genealogy Database Ruby on Rails, Python, SQLite3. Created a data warehouse for online parish records from Lancashire, England. Processed the raw data using Python, stored the clean data in an SQLite3 database. Ruby on Rails for the CRUD and search functionality. 📷 JPEG Stash Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Amazon S3, Heroku. Built an image repository for users to stash all their best JPEGs. Supports user account creation and image uploads. Supported by a test suite built with Capybara and Selenium on github actions. Live demo deployed to Heroku. demo source code 🔍 Search Engine Python, NLTK, PySimpleGUI. Developed a search engine system in a team for a university catalogue and a corpus of Reuters articles. Implemented various search algorithms from the ground up, including live query completion, index construction, and query expansion. demo source code 🗣 NLG from Structured Data Python, NLTK, OpenNMT, GloVe. Used Neural Machine Translation (NMT) to map structured data to plain English verbalizations. The application of such a model is to make large databases of structured, machine readable data (such as DBPedia) more accessible. 🤝 Friend101 App Ionic, Angular, Typescript, Firebase. Designed Friend101: a mobile app for meeting friends on your university campus. Connects users based on shared interests. demo source code 🌈 PrideHacks 2021 Miro, Figma, GSuite, React.js. Devised workflow, UI mockups, and proof-of-concept application for ODLAN's device gifting ecosystem, allowing for the collection, refurbishment, and distribution of devices such as smart phones and tablets. hackathon 🚦 Ottawa Traffic Accidents SQL, Regex, data analysis concepts, OLAP Combined Ottawa traffic collision data with environment Canada's hourly weather data in order to create a data warehouse. Then, we explored the interplay between weather and traffic accidents, assessing various trends. presentation 🕹 Cartridge Game Jam Godot, GDScript. "Make a real game based on a fake cartridge!" I chose to create a game based on "Bus Line 22A, Destination: The Moon." I used the open source game engine Godot and wrote the game using GDScript, Godot's own language which is similar to Python. game jam source code 👀 Visualizations Go // HTML, CSS, JavaScript // Python, P5. Created various algorithmic visualizations for fun. • Maze creation (backtracing) • Path finding (A*, BFS, Dijkstra) • Mathematics (Conway's game of life, sinusoidal functions)